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You can just turn up on the day and 'Pay As You Go' or become a Full Member to get  discounts and other benefits .
Non Member Shooting


Come along and pay on the gate, you will be required to register and sign a disclaimer on each occasion and on behalf of junior members.

​How much?

£3 per shoot for adults and £2 for under 18's.


​​Payment Options

On the day.

Adult and Junior Memberships


Pay an annual fee to get discounts. Simply sign in and pay your discount fee. You will only need to sign the disclaimer immediately after joining.

There is a further discount once you renew your membership (in year two).

How Much?​

£25 for adults (£20 year two) and £15 for juniors (under 18's)


​​Payment Options

Pay on the day or using Paypal (link coming soon)

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